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Landlord Legal Expenses & Rent Protection

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Tenant Referencing

When you’re letting out your investment property, finding the right tenants can be a tricky and time consuming process. Thorough tenant referencing is therefore, essential.

Knowing in advance as much as possible about who may be moving into your property will help you to make an informed decision about the right tenants for you. AgentSmart takes the hassle out of the tenant referencing process – we conduct thorough checks on prospective tenants on your behalf and provide you with a comprehensive report.

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AST Management & Admin Support

One of the most critical tasks when letting a property, is to ensure that your tenancy agreement and supporting documentation are compliant with the latest legislation and issued to your tenant in the correct manner.

Using modern day technology, fully endorsed by the courts, enables AgentSmart to take the headache out of this essential and time consuming process allowing you and your staff to concentrate on doing what you do best, growing your business. This service is bespoke to you and is fully adaptable to fit your specific requirements.

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Legal Services

As the term of your tenancies progress, you may encounter certain issues that require assistance on a legal level.

Whether this be arrears, non-accidental damage, tenancy breach or any other amendments to existing tenancies AgentSmart can help by initially offering advice and a mediation service. However repeated late payments or non-payment of rent, non-accidental damage to the property, or other activities deemed to be in breach of the tenancy agreement, may all require legal action to resolve them satisfactorily. In the first instance if communication has broken down, we can help by offering a mediation service. However if circumstances persist, AgentSmart can help you with the serving of the correct legal notices and any follow-up communication necessary with the tenant(s).

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Automated Client Account Software

Tired of the time and effort used each day reconciling payments and producing statements? Let AgentSmart set you up with a leading automated client account and watch how your business can grow… We can even manage the account for you, saving you hours of painful reconciliation and hassle!

Using leading technology, AgentSmart can set up an automated client account that adheres to NFOPP client account rule guidelines, provides you with full transparency and audit trails to satisfy regulatory requirements. Multiple payments can be reconciled and approved within minutes, landlords and tenants receive automated sms payment transaction notifications and professional statements. As an agent you receive real time reporting so you can analyse your arrears, expiring contracts, commission and more at a click of a button… It really is a good as it sounds!

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Rent Chasing & Debt Recovery

Has your tenant fallen into rent arrears? Are they ignoring your attempts to contact them? Why not let AgentSmart step in as early as 10 days in arrears and assist you in getting your tenant back on track.

Unfortunately there are occasions when all efforts fail and legal proceedings are required (see legal services). Once vacant possession is obtained, using expert tracing services and debt recovery action we can still peruse your ex-tenant for all outstanding monies due to rent arrears or property damage.

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Insurance Services

Even with the best referenced tenants in place, circumstances can change.

Redundancy, relationship issues and illness can all affect any tenants ability to pay the rent. Alternatively, you must want further protection against other issues, e.g. property damage. Our trusted partner companies can advise and arrange for you, the most appropriate insurance solutions to match your requirements.

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Get in touch to find out how Agent Smart can help you to manage your tenants more efficiently.